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Facebook Mobile Advertising:
ROI on iOS 1,790% higher than on Android

roi.jpgA study released late last year by Nanigans has revealed that mobile Facebook ads on iOS generate up to 1,790% higher ROI than similar ads run on Android!

Nanigans is one of the biggest buyers of Facebook ads, and this conclusion was reached based on a study of more than 200 billion mobile Facebook ads. more»

31.01.2014    Tags: , , , , ,
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MMA Research To Focus On Mobile ROI

mma-new-logo.jpgThe Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) announced over the summer that it had secured initial funding of $1 million to launch new research into the ROI that mobile provides marketers.

Smart Mobile Cross Marketing Effectiveness ( will focus on the return on investment that mobile contributes to the marketing mix, and will test campaigns to determine the relative economic value of investing in mobile as opposed to traditional marketing areas. more»

02.10.2012    Tags: , ,
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