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Facebook Mobile Advertising:
ROI on iOS 1,790% higher than on Android

roi.jpgA study released late last year by Nanigans has revealed that mobile Facebook ads on iOS generate up to 1,790% higher ROI than similar ads run on Android!

Nanigans is one of the biggest buyers of Facebook ads, and this conclusion was reached based on a study of more than 200 billion mobile Facebook ads. more»

31.01.2014    Tags: , , , , ,
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Amazon Launches A/B Testing To Attract Android Developers

amazon_android.gifOne of the key tools for online marketing has always been A/B testing, enabling marketers to use the flexibility of the web to rapidly test and improve ads, offers, layouts, etc.

Now Amazon has announced that it is launching a new A/B testing feature on its Amazon app platform, with the goal of attracting more Android developers to bring their apps to Amazon’s platform. more»

17.12.2012    Tags: , , ,
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Opera Releases First State Of Mobile Advertising Report

opera-software-small.jpgOpera has launched its first State of Mobile Advertising report, highlighting key data and trends in the industry across the globe.

Apple’s iOS came top of the list for eCPM (effective cost per thousand impressions) with an average of $2.85, above Android’s $2.10 and far beyond Windows Phone at just $0.20. more»

02.10.2012    Tags: , , ,
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Apple Makes iAD More Attractive,
Increases Payout To Developers

apple_logo1.gifApple has increased the revenue given to developers who use the company’s iAd mobile network, in an attempt to increase usage of the struggling business.

Developers will now receive 70% of the revenue generated by ads on their apps, up from 60% before. more»

21.04.2012    Tags: ,
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Apple Dominating Mobile Industry Profits

apple_logo.gifSometimes I hear people comment that since Apple represents only a small fraction of mobile device sales, they may not view their business as very successful.

However, a recent report by research firm Asymco has found that although Apple products may be only a small portion of the total units shipping, Apple actually accounts for a hugely disproportionate share of the profits. more»

22.08.2011    Tags: , ,
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Apple Cuts iAD Prices By 70%

iad_sale2.gifWhen Apple first launched it’s iAD mobile advertising platform just about a year ago, it was clearly a premium price product, with Apple reportedly asking a minimum one million dollars for brands that wanted to advertise.

Now things have changed, and according to recent reports in Bloomberg, Apple has radically revamped their pricing. more»

01.08.2011    Tags: ,
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Android vs. iOS:
Which Wins for Mobile Advertising?

apple_vs_android_inneractive.jpgA lot has been written recently about the competition between Apple and Google, and more specifically about the competition between devices built for Apple’s iOS, and Google’s Android platforms.

Inneractive is a premier mobile ad mediation provider, with coverage in over 200 countries. They have put together a very informative infographic which compares the specific performance of mobile advertising on these two leading platforms. more»

24.07.2011    Tags: , , ,
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Meffys 2011 Winners Announced!

At a gala event in London, MEF, the global community for mobile content and commerce, announced the winners for the 2011 MEFFY awards.

Winning companies included Coca Cola, AKQA, Shazam, CBS, Apple, RIM, Velti, Ericsson, and Hungama.

See the complete list of all winners here. more»

03.07.2011    Tags: , ,
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Android Becomes Number 1 Smartphone OS

android-_1.gifAndroid’s recent momentum has continued with a key milestone as it has dislodged Symbian from its 10-year reign as the leading Smartphone OS.

According to research company Canalys, Android sold 32.9 million devices during Q.4 2010, overtaking Symbian, which sold 31 million. more»

09.02.2011    Tags: , , , ,
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The Rise Of The Multi-iPad Family

multi-ipad.gifThe iPad was released less than a year ago, and it has started a wave of tablet computers. But this is still a new phenomenon, and so the market is still learning how people will use these new products.

Now a recent survey of UK consumers by YouGov has shown that nearly a fifth of iPad owners say that they own more than one tablet in their household, and another fifth are considering buying additional tablets. more»

16.01.2011    Tags: , , ,
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US Mobile Ad Market Doubles,
And Google Is Taking the Lion’s Share!

us-mkt-share3.gifRecent figures from research firm IDC show that the US market for mobile advertising is growing at a rapid rate, doubling over the past year.

Even more interesting is the conclusion that Google currently represents almost 60% of this market revenue! more»

16.12.2010    Tags: , , ,
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Apple Closes Quattro’s Ad Network

iad-logo-140.gifApple has announced that it will close its Quattro Wirelesses mobile ad network in order to focus all of its resources on the iAd platform.

Apple just bought Quattro in January 2010, and has already stopped accepting any new campaigns on the network. more»

07.09.2010    Tags: , , ,
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Apple Adds iAds for Developers

iad_on_apple.gifApple launched their iAd mobile advertising platform with much fanfare a couple of months ago, and has spent a lot of effort getting major brands to support it.
(see First iAd Campaigns Come To iPhone)

Now, Apple has made the iAd platform available for app developers who wish to generate leads for their iPhone apps.

10.08.2010    Tags: , , ,
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Microsoft’s Mobile Strategy –
Will Windows Phone 7 Save The Day?

msft_crystalball.jpgOver the past several months, as the battle for the future of the mobile marketplace has heated up, much of the conversation has focused on Apple and Google, while less attention has been paid to the other two giants in this area – Microsoft and Nokia.

In this article, we’ll look at some of the recent moves by Microsoft related to mobile and mobile advertising to see what may be in store for this high profile company.

They have a long track record of success in technology businesses and big ambitions in the mobile area, but given their recent missteps in mobile, time may be running out. more»

27.07.2010    Tags: , , , ,
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Private Ad Networks Take The Fight To Apple/Google

giving_money_away.gifWith the recent press surrounding the acquisitions of Admob and Quattro Wireless by Google and Apple, it is easy to forget that there are other very serious mobile ad networks in the industry.

Recent announcements from ad networks such as InMobi and Jumptap show that they are not scared of taking the fight to Apple & Google. Both of these ad networks have recently announced the creation of multimillion dollar funds in order to get application developers and publishers to sign up to their networks. more»

26.07.2010    Tags: , ,
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Is Apple Heading For Antitrust Troubles In Europe?

eu-apple.gifThe European Union’s new Digital Agenda is an initiative set up to facilitate access to technology within Europe.

As a result, Apple may face scrutiny on its policies on interoperability and the ban on third party development suites such as Adobe Flash. more»

13.07.2010    Tags: ,
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Adobe versus Apple Update:
Now Greystripe Is In The Mix

adobe_no-flash.jpgOne of the biggest controversies surrounding the recent iPhone and iPad announcements has been the lack of support (actually the “prohibition”) of Flash authored apps on the Apple platforms.

Now mobile ad network Greystripe has entered the fray, partnering with Adobe to help advertisers use Flash ads in the iPhone and iPad platforms.

08.06.2010    Tags: , , ,
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Apple Reveals Special ViP Tracking Service for iAd

iad-logo-140.gifApple’s ad platform subsidiary Quattro Wireless has recently been communicating with clients touting a new service that they have launched called Verification of iTunes Purchase (ViP). The service will provide special proprietary tracking information to app developers who use iPhone ads. more»

19.05.2010    Tags: , , , ,
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A Big Month For Apple:
The Future of iPhone & iAd

In a special ‘developer preview’ session recently, Apple unveiled its plans for the future of the iPhone.

The iPhone OS 4 will be the biggest revision to the iPhone since it was launched, offering many innovative new features.

One of the most important of these is iAd, the mobile advertising ad platform intended to put Apple in control of in-app advertising.

In this article we’ll look at the special features of iPhone 4 and what they will bring to consumers, plus how iAd is likely to effect advertisers, publishers, consumers, as well as the overall mobile advertising and marketing industry. more»
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A Big Month For Apple:
iPad, iAd, & iPhone 4

Over the past two weeks, Apple has made three major announcements that may have a far reaching impact on the mobile world.

ipad-dog-230.jpg#1 – The launch of the iPad, the new tablet device that some think will revolutionize the way the world consumes media.

#2 – The announcement of iAd, Apple’s new built-in mobile advertising system for serving ads in iPhone & iPad apps.

#3 – A preview of iPhone 4, the new operating system for the iPhone.

Now that the dust has settled a bit, we look at these products to separate the hype from the reality and see what the longer term implications are for mobile, media, and marketing. more»
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Will Apple Build Ads Into iPhone?

google-apple2.gifSince Apple bought Quattro Wireless at the end of last year there has been speculation that Apple might decide to enter the mobile ad business.

A recent job offering on the Apple website seems to confirm their intentions. more»

25.03.2010    Tags: , , ,
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Apple Acquires Quattro – Mobile Advertising Race Heats Up

apple-quattro.gifThe mobile advertising market continued to heat up recently, with Apple‘s acquisition of Quattro Wireless, a mobile ad platform and network company.

This move follows only weeks after global internet search company Google acquired rival ad networkAdMob. more»

16.01.2010    Tags: , , ,
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