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Mobile advertising to grow 7x faster
than desktop internet ads

fast_growth.jpgMobile advertising is definitely on a growth spurt these days.

According to Publicis-owned ad agency ZenithOptimedia, global advertising will grow at a respectable rate of 3.5% over the coming year, with internet advertising growing about three times this fast. Mobile advertising on the other hand, is expected to grow at an astounding 77% this year!

For this study, ZenithOptimedia defined mobile advertising to be all internet ads delivered to smartphones and tablets, including display, search, and classified.

Driven by the rapid adoption of both smartphones and tablets, this growth is expected to continue for several years, although at a reduced rate of 56% in 2014 and 48% in 2015. This compares to an overall annual growth rate in internet advertising of about 10%.

In terms of actual expenditures, ZenithOptimedia estimates that total mobile spend was about US$ 8.3bn in 2012. This would represent almost 10% of internet spending, and 1.7% of total advertising across all media.

In two years, the mobile total is forecast to grow to US$33bn. This will about one quarter of all internet spend, and 6% of total advertising spend, a massive increase.

Global outlook
Clearly the growth in overall advertising is not expected to be consistent around the world. As shown in the chart below, ZenithOptimedia forecasts 2013 to 2015 regional growth rates of between -3% up to +11%; China and India being the fastest growth region, and Spain/Italy/Greece representing a region that will actually contract.


Media channel variations
In addition, of course the different media channels vary greatly in their future prospects.

  • Consistent with recent years, print media including newspapers and magazines will see a strong contraction of advertising spend
  • Cinema and radio meanwhile will remain relatively flat
  • Not surprisingly, internet is forecast to grow the fastest
  • And interestingly TV is also expected to see significant expansion


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04.10.2013    Tags: , , ,
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