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Using Mobile To Reach Next Generation Fashion Consumers

anina.gifFashion designers are always eager to reach out, communicate, and build brand awareness with the next generation fashion consumers.

Now there is a mobile game – Anina Dress Up – developed by an insider in the fashion industry, that helps them do just that.

Anina is a fashion model who began to embrace the world of mobile marketing a number of years ago. Combining her experience in fashion with her love of technology, her company 360 Fashion developed a game that enables new designers get their work in front of consumers, while at the same time letting consumers develop their own fashion style and skill.

Designers that want market their work in Anina Dress Up send photos of their garments or accessories to 360 Fashion, who then create the vector images used in the game. They also get a special page in the game which explains about their company and design philosophy.

To participate in the game, developers pay a one-time setup fee and a monthly fee for being in the game.



Fashion enthusiasts then can select from all the different designs in the game to dress up Anina and create their own styles. They can change the hair, lips, top, skin, bottom, and accessories to customize a look.


When they have settled on a style they like, they can upload it to Facebook or the game website. Here other players, the 360Fashion experts, and top model Anina herself comment and rate their creation.

anina-3.gif The game is targeted at next generation fashion customers in China: young, high income earning, style-conscious, women from 16 to 30 years old. Game playing and discovering style is a huge market, along with avatar and virtual goods in China.

Most Chinese women only know the big brands: gucci, prada, etc. By placing their clothing in the Anina Dress Up game brands have a way to communicate directly their brand name to new, potential customers.

Mark Eley from EleyKishimoto participated in the game and commented: “We have worked with Anina for over 6 years on all mobile and web functioning to credible acclaim. It was only natural when she first developed the dress up game to collaborate as we do clothes, furthermore our daughter was addicted to such applications at this time. We are happy to be part of any frivolity of fashion when approached in such a way.”

For more about Anina, see this you tube clip

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