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MEFFY 2010 Finalists Announced

meffy_simple.gifMEF has announced the finalists for the 2010 MEFFY awards. In the Mobile Advertising category, 6 campaigns were selected as the best among the entries, including submissions from Orange, Admob, and RingRing Media.

See the complete list of all finalist entries here; the final awards will take place June 21st in London.

This year the finalists were selected after four days of judging by representatives from over 45 companies, publications and analyst houses (including Jim Cook from MobiAD News.). Now in their seventh year, the 2010 Meffys submissions highlight innovative apps, services and mobile connected devices from across the globe.

2010 Meffys Shortlist

(in alphabetical order)

Ad Campaign

Admob and RingRing Media for ‘Nokia Ovi Store Campaign’
Fancharge for ‘Go! Go! Lions Baseball’
Hungama Mobile for ‘MixBacardi’
4th Screen Advertising for ‘O2 Priority on Shazam’
Orange for ‘Orange Shots Leap Year film campaign’
TIM w.e. for ‘UNICEF Mexico’

App Store Blockbuster

CBS Mobile for ‘NCAA March Madness on Demand’
Multiplied Media for ‘Poynt ‘
Orange for ‘Mobile TV Player’
Research in Motion for ‘BlackBerry Messenger 5.0’
Shazam for ‘Shazam Encore’

Business Intelligence

Carrier IQ for ‘Insight to Mobile User Experience’
comScore, GSMA and UK Operators for ‘Launch of GSMA/comScore Mobile Media Metrics’
Distimo for ‘Distimo’
Informate Mobile Intelligence for ‘Metering the Third Screen’
Motally for‘Motally’

Consumer Experience for ‘FindaProperty’
Interactive Networks for ‘Windows Live J2ME client’
Multiplied Media for ‘Poynt’
Nokia for ‘S40 Messaging: email for everyone’
SPB Software for ‘SPB Mobile Shell’

Content Discovery & Personalisation

Ambient Industries for ‘Flook’
Amdocs for ‘CSL MyNet Personalised Mobile Internet Service’
Hungama Mobile for ‘Regional News Pack’
Taptu for ‘Touch Search’
Vodafone Group and Xiam Technologies for ‘Vodafone 360 Shop’

Cross Platform Content

CBS Mobile for ‘NCAA March Madness on Demand’
Fun Little Movies for ‘Mr. Wrong’
Hungama Mobile for ‘Digital Promotions Campaign for Love Aaj Kal’
The Walt Disney Company for ‘Disney Digicomics’
Zed Group for ‘Planet 51’

Cross-Platform Technology

Gracenote for ‘MediaLink’
Hungama Mobile for ‘’
IMImobile for ‘DaVinci Platform’
Infrared5 for ‘Brass Monkey’
MTS for ‘’


GameHouse for ‘Doodle Jump’
Iricom for ‘The Last City’
Jump Games for ‘Bloons’
Nokia for ‘Ovi Maps Racing’
PopCap for ‘Plant vs Zombies’

Innovative App

CBS Mobile for ‘CNet Scan and Shop’
CBS Mobile for ‘CW City-Wize iPhone App’
Fox Digital Entertainment for ‘Glee’
Hullomail for ‘Hullomail’
Nokia for ‘Ovi Maps ‘

Innovative Business Model

Getjar for ‘Pay Per Download’
Hungama Mobile for ‘Full Songs @ 1’
mBlox and Shorthand for ‘mShorthand’
Mob4Hire for ‘Crowd-Sourced Mobile Testing ‘
Openwave for ‘Openwave Passport 2.0’


CBS Mobile for ‘CNet Scan and Shop’
Ericsson IPX for ‘Vending Machine SMS Purchase System’
mBlox and Arriva for ‘mBlox/Arriva M-Commerce ‘
Wau Movil for ‘First Gateway service offer in Latin America’
Zong for ‘Mobile Payments to the next degree’

Mobile Connected Device

Nokia for ‘N900’
Novatel Wireless for ‘MiFi Intelligent Mobile Hotspot’
Research in Motion for ‘Blackberry Curve 8520’
Sony Ericsson for ‘XPERIA X10’

Mobile First Innovation

Dada Brasil for ‘Nokia Waala’
Hungama Mobile for ‘Social Music 2.0’
Tata Teleservices for ‘English Seekho’
PontoMobi for ‘Interactive Carnival Poster ‘
Maxis Communications for ‘MAXIS FINDER301’
MTS for ‘’

Music Service

Aspiro for ‘WIMP’
Hungama Mobile for ‘Full Songs @ 1’
Nokia for ‘All You Can Eat’ Music
Shazam for ‘Shazam Encore’
Thumbplay for ‘Thumbplay Music’

Social Media

Agency Mobile for ‘Stuck’
eBuddy for ‘eBuddy’
Handmade Mobile for ‘Flirtomatic’
Fring for ‘fring’
Nimbuzz for ‘Nimbuzz’

Technology Innovation

Layar for ‘Layar Reality Browser’
Movidius for ‘Spielbergs on the move’
NetBiscuits for ‘Hybrid Apps’
Nokia for ‘Ovi Maps Launch’
SPB Software for ‘SPB TV’

TV & Video Service

CBS Mobile for ‘ Android & iPhone Mobile’
MTS for ‘’
Orange for ‘Mobile TV Player ‘
Rubberduck Media Lab for ‘T-Mobile Mobile TV’
T-Mobile and Saffron Digital for ‘Video-on-Demand Plus’

Learn more about the 2010 MEFFY Awards HERE.

04.06.2010    Tags:
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