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Map Of The Location Based Services Market – 2009


FirstPartner, a UK based research agency has released a very interesting “map” of the Location Based Services industry.

The map provides a overview of the market for LBS solutions, as well as laying out the major players in the LBS ecosystem.

This comprehensive Map explains the structure of the Location Based Services industry, all the way from the basic technology level (eg network infrastructure and location information), through Location Directories, Digital maps, and the different type of location devices. There is also an explanation of the various types of location services, distribution methods and customer segments.

The map also provides some key LBS market dynamics and forecasts from FirstPartner. As an example:


The full LBS Market Map can be purchased from the FirstPartner website.

To get a download link for a free PDF version of the map (watermarked and non-printable), please enter your email address here:

and company name here:


17.08.2009    Tags: ,
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