Mobile-Video – MobiAD Fri, 08 Sep 2023 08:17:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Twitter Opens Mobile Ads to All Advertisers Fri, 28 Aug 2015 16:22:00 +0000 twitter-logo-roundLast year, Twitter launched the Twitter Publisher Network to help advertisers connect with audiences both on Twitter and in thousands of mobile apps outside of Twitter.

Now, Twitter has announced new features and renamed their service to broaden the appeal to an even wider base of advertisers.

The mobile advertising service is now called Twitter Audience Platform, and it reaches over 700 million people globally.

The Twitter Publisher Network was launched so advertisers could run ads not only on the Twitter website and app, but also with the publishers working with Mopub, the ad platform that Twitter had acquired.
(see: A new way to promote Mobile Apps on Twitter)

The first big change that Twitter Audience Platform brings is that it has expanded beyond simply pushing app installs. Now advertisers can also drive two additional objectives: Tweet engagements and video views. Both are now available for the first time in beta to all managed clients globally.


The second major change is the addition of new creative formats to help advertisers better engage with their in-app audience.

According to Twitter: “On the Twitter Audience Platform, we transform your Promoted Tweets into one of our immersive ad formats including video, native ads, banners, and interstitials.”

For example:

  • Tweet engagement campaigns on Twitter become interstitial and native ads
  • Promoted Video campaigns are turned into in-app video ads
  • App install or re-engagement campaigns become interstitial or banner ads


The Twitter Audience Platform is now available globally to all managed clients driving Tweet engagements and video views. To get started, reach out to your Twitter account team. To create a Twitter Ads account, visit

A Big Evolution In Mobile AdvertisingProgrammatic Takes Off Tue, 28 Jul 2015 08:53:47 +0000 The mobile marketing industry continues to change a great rate, with evolving ad formats, media types, and customer behaviours.

The ways in which mobile advertising is purchased is also changing radically. A new study from the IAB shows that programmatic mobile ad sales are surging, a trend that is likely to continue.

Put simply, programmatic advertising is about the automatic buying and selling of media opportunities on digital platforms. Instead of having an individual at the end of the phone who sells inventory, the whole process is automated. This process happens in real-time, so as soon as the impression loads, the advertiser bids against others based on the context of the site.

UK_programmatic_quoteOver the past year, nearly half (45%) of the £2.1 billion spent on digital display ads in the UK (both internet and mobile) were traded programmatically. This is up sharply from 28% the year before.

Direct sales of display ads between buyers and publishers has remained roughly stable at about 50%. However the bigger loser is ad sales through networks, which have dropped sharply from 22% in 2013 to down to only 6% in 2014.


And the numbers are even striking for mobile. Given the more fragmented state of the mobile ad market, programmatic has an even stronger effect. In 2014, nearly 2/3 of all mobile ads were traded though programmatic. This was essentially double the 37% seen in 2013.


One other interesting trend is the growth of programmatic selling of video ads.

Many people originally felt that programmatic would be primarily a tool for direct response advertising. However, video advertising – which is often more of a branding exercise – is also increasingly being sold through programmatic. In 2014, almost one fifth (18%) of video ads were traded programmatically.

These two trends – mobile ad spend and video – are likely to continue to propel the growth of programmatic.

Tim Elkington, Chief Strategy Officer at the UK’s Internet Advertising Bureau sums it up: “due to the rise in mobile and video ad spend, we estimate around 70-80% of all digital spend will be programmatic by 2018.”

(see Mobiad article Programmatic Advertising: What is it and Where is it going?)

Our Rapidly Changing World: Mobile & Internet trends 2015 Tue, 14 Jul 2015 17:16:40 +0000 trends_2015It is getting harder and harder to keep up to date with all developments in the market these days due to the rapid pace of change in both technology and in consumer behavior.

To address this need, for the past 20 years Mary Meeker has put together an annual presentation about the key trends in the internet and mobile world. The presentation covers a wide variety of topics including mobile advertising, wearables, apps, content distribution, IPO’s, healthcare technology, and lots more.

The report provides not only thought provoking insights, but also detailed numbers to back them up. If your business is effected by developments in digital technology, then this is a report you have to look at. Follow oceannenvironment to know more about digital technology.

Mary Meeker is a partner at venture capital firm Kleiner, Perkins, Caulfield, and Byers, and her annual Trends report has become an institution among people in the technology and media industries.

Below are a couple of the most interesting points from this year’s report, and there is a download link for the full presentation is at the bottom of this article.

Internet/Mobile Subscribers
Internet usage has grown from less than 1% to almost 40% globally over the past 20 years. Mobile usage has grown even faster, from about 1% to almost 75% of the world’s population.

However, the growth is slowing as new subscribers are harder to get, and with most of the remaining growth to come from low income countries.


Engagement & Usage
Consumers’ usage of the internet and mobile internet is growing strongly, with about a 10% Y/Y increase in daily hours of digital media consumption. Mobile represents more than 50% at close to 3 hours, a massive growth compared to 5 years ago when it was less than one hour.


Ad Formats & Buy Buttons
Each new media – e.g. TV, Internet – has taken several years to evolve ad formats which fit the media well. Now, finally, it looks as though mobile optimized ad formats are appearing. These tend to be fast, fun, and often involve video.

And in addition, Buy Buttons optimized for mobile are now appearing on more and more mobile sites and are contributing to the growth of m-commerce.



User Generated Video
Millions of mobile subscribers are now contributing User generated video on sites such as Snapchat. The audiences can also be huge, with some sporting events getting over 30 million views within a 24 hour period. Facebook is also seeing an explosion of video consumption, with up to 4 billion views per day, up 4x in the past 6 months!


Mobile Ad Spend
Growth in mobile ad spending is still strong at 34% Y/Y, although the growth rates for the industry leaders has been slowing. Spending on print advertising is still way over-indexed in relation to time spent with the media, and mobile is still strongly under-indexed (about $25billion in the US alone), indicating that there is still good room to increase.


The full presentation consists of over 190 slides, and covers a wide range of other topics as well, including drones (industrial use & regulations), re-imagining business, cyber attacks, and how internet + mobile have revolutionized work in the US.

Together, the data provided plus the qualitative comments paint a great picture of where our society is heading.

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Mobile Apps Yield Twice the CTR Of Mobile Web Wed, 17 Sep 2014 15:49:03 +0000 please-click-me-200x305Mobile apps versus mobile web: which has better engagement, which do customers prefer, which is better for advertising – the debate seems to go on forever.

A recent study from Medialets tries to answer at least the advertising part of this question.

Based on over 300 billion ad data points from the first 6 months of 2014, this report shows that mobile apps yield a much higher CTR than web!

This is really a very interesting piece of research, as it lays out in very plan terms not only the differences seen between mobile apps and mobile web, but also between smartphones and tablets, and between static ads and rich media ads.

For anyone who runs a lot of ads over mobile and tablet, it might make you re-think some of your strategies.

Here are a few key highlights from the study, a download link for the full presentation is below.

Mobile App vs. Web usage

According to Medialets data, there is a clear difference in the number of impressions on mobile web vs. in-apps, indicating that users are spending more time in the apps.



What is more interesting are the large differences in the CTR’s observed.

  • Tablets outperformed smartphones by 44%. This is perhaps explainable as the screen size is much bigger, and also the viewing situation may be more relaxed and amenable to responding to ads.
  • Even more dramatic, mobile apps delivered more than twice the CTR of mobile the mobile web.


Ad Placements

Another topic that really was interesting is the top performing ad placements on both smartphones and tablets.

Medialets rated 3 very popular ad units, based on CTR. Interestingly, the same ad unit was tops on both smartphones and tablets.


Video Completion Rates

There are also some interesting statistics for advertisers using video ads. As shown in the chart, over 90% of viewers saw the first quarter of the videos, but less than 40% watched until the end. The message to advertisers is clear – get your message across early.


Download link

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Mobile and World Cup: FIFA says US is #1 Wed, 09 Jul 2014 16:08:25 +0000 worldcup-mobile-usAs World Cup fever spreads around the world, it is a good time to take a look and see how important a role mobile is now playing for fans.

As it turns out, the number 1 country for World Cup mobile usage is the US!

A recent study from Vdopia explains just how widespread mobile engagement with the World Cup is, with millions of fans participating through apps, paid video, and “second screen” content.

The following infographic was produced by Vdopia, a mobile video advertising company. One of the most surprising facts is that, according to FIFA, the US was #1 for FIFA’s World Cup App with more than 5 million downloads!

Also, more than 2/3 of Americans said they would be willing to pay to get world cup video content delivered on their smartphone.

Saurabh Bhatia, Chief Business Officer at Vdopia summed it well saying: “If you were to add in the number of people who comment on the games via social media on their mobile devices, fans at the games taking smartphone photos and folks who use apps to gather and watch the games, what emerges is an astronomical number of ways mobile factors into the World Cup games.”

He continued: “It is hard to imagine a global event in the future that where mobile will not be an huge factor. Smart marketers should be lining up for such opportunities.”


Saurabh continued: “It is hard to imagine a global event in the future where mobile will not be an huge factor. Smart marketers should be lining up for such opportunities.”

Tablet Advertising: an in-depth look Mon, 26 May 2014 23:23:52 +0000 tablet-advertisingTablets have been mainstream for only a few years, but already they are incredibly popular for certain uses.

Although most would agree that the tablet form factor provides a high level of consumer interaction and engagement, specific studies substantiating this and providing a finer level of detail have been sorely missing.

Newsworks is the marketing body for national newspapers in the UK, and they recently launched The Tablet Project just to address this need.

“Tablets have a growing and engaged audience, particularly across news brands,” said Vanessa Clifford, deputy CEO at Newsworks. “However, there has been a lack of data and understanding around tablet advertising – what makes an ad successful, what metrics should brands expect, what kind of ad types and language should we be using?”

Newsworks tracked 20 campaigns across five sectors – retail, finance, motors, tech & telecoms and FMCG – and included many very well known brands.


The results were quite interesting, with The Tablet Project citing what it calls “the average tap rate (interaction)” with a tablet ad of 0.79%, up to 40 times greater than the average online display click-through rate – depending on sector.

The variations where quite strong between sectors, with for example Retail & Travel having almost twice the tap rate (1.04%) compared with the Entertainment sector (0.57%).


The Tablet Project report (download link at the bottom of this article) also provides quite a bit of additional detail about who uses tablets, and the sort of result advertisers can expect.

For example, tablet ownership is centered around the 35-44 year old age group, although even the 55+ age group is quite interested in tablets.


Finally, the Tablet Project also divides the various ads in three categories – text, video, interactive – looks at the efficiency of each, then provides some general suggestions as to how best each can be used.

The reaction from agencies has been basically positive. Tara Mendelsohn, associate investment director at OMD, said the study had “propelled the tablet agenda to the forefront” and added, “It will help us prove the value that tablets add to media plans using industry agreed insights, norms and benchmarks that will help shape our client conversations moving forward.”

Jo Blake, head of outdoor, newsbrands and radio at Havas Media, said: “It’s sometimes difficult to sell in new things to clients – will it work, is it cost efficient, creative barriers and so on – which is why Newsworks’ Tablet Project was an excellent idea.”

“The results will not only help us sell tablet formats to clients, but the learnings also show the best way to use the medium creatively – that was why we wanted to be involved in the project.”

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Tablets are “Awareness Machines”New study shows tablets best for video ad recall Wed, 09 Oct 2013 09:59:54 +0000 ipad-gladiator3.jpgVideo ads are proving to be an increasingly effective means of communicating with consumers.

However, with consumers now able to view video on smartphones, tablets, PC’s and TV, the question arises as to which platform is the most effective.

This study from IPG Media answers that question clearly: the Tablet is an Awareness Machine like no other.

IPG Lab teamed up with YuMe to investigate video viewing on different consumer devices by comparing the media consumption habits of over 8,000 people.

According to IPG, the study was designed to answer 3 key questions:

  • Where and how tablet users view video
  • Which devices garner the greatest viewing attention
  • Which devices deliver the greatest ad effectiveness

As detailed in the infographic below, the results show that “Tablets are Awareness Machines”. They have the most attentive audience, the least distracted audience, and the un-aided recall is highest from ads shown on tablets.

Clearly this sort of analysis is very valuable to advertisers as the more and more video consumption switches over to these alternate, non-TV platforms.


BBC Sports fans prefer mobileAlmost 2/3 follow Wimbledon on mobile Thu, 19 Sep 2013 18:35:05 +0000 bbc-mobile.gifPrior to this summer the BBC had made it clear that it saw mobile as an important part of its business in the future.

However it looks like the future may be coming sooner than expected, as figures for this summer’s big sports events show that the shift in how consumers watch their favorite sports has already started.

During this summers sporting highlight, Andy Murray’s Wimbledon victory, 64% of total content requests to the BBC sports site came from mobile devices. In addition, a record 1.03 million streaming requests came from tablet Devices. Motorbike Sport can keep you more updated regarding sport.


This of course is a good sign for the mobile marketing industry, as generally the the more popular a media channel is, the more valuable it will be for marketers and advertisers.

And this strong showing for mobile is not limited to tennis. Recently released consolidated figures have shown that live streams of this summers sporting action on the BBC (including Wimbledon, Formula 1, Moto GP and the Confederations Cup) where split:

  • 51% from a PC
  • 33% from a Mobile device
  • 13% from a Tablet device

This digital growth was replicated on social media with the BBC Sports Twitter feed getting over 100,000 new followers, while their Instagram account got nearly 15,000 new followers. It is proven that Instagram has the ability to reach more and more people through better strategies just like provides. Many of businesses also using Instagram to market their product or establish their brand in a quicker time. ]]> Euro 2012 On Your Mobile – A Big Hit With Fans! Sun, 08 Jul 2012 11:06:54 +0000 euro-212.jpgWith Euro 2012 just recently finished, O2 Media has released some information about how football fans stayed in touch with the championships via their mobile device.

They found that a huge percentage of fans relied on their mobile in some manner to follow the matches, even to the point of watching a live match on the phone.

The survey found that 91% where getting their tournament stats and information via their mobile device, while 79% actually said that their mobile device was their preferred way to keep up to date with developments.

In regards to what they were using their device for:

  • 88% said it was in order to check scores and results
  • 73% to text friends during matches
  • 79% to get the latest news
  • 41% to watch match highlights
  • 38% to place a bet on the outcome of matches
  • 23% to watch a game live

“It is a commonly known fact that if you love football and you are not there, then the desire to be near a screen, be it big or small becomes a priority. Said Claire Valoti, MD, O2 Media. “There is also a serious point to the work we have been doing with this segment. They are very engaged and very open to receiving messaging so brands that want to engage and associate themselves into this space have a very active audience.”


Mobile Data Traffic To Explode Over Coming Years Wed, 15 Jun 2011 14:00:31 +0000 matrix_data.jpgData traffic on mobile networks worldwide is set to explode over the next 10 years, increasing by a factor of 33, according to data and forecasts published at the UMTS Forum in London.

Driven by the rapid growth of connected devices and the move towards mobile video, the total data load is expected to reach 127 billion gigabytes of data per annum, excluding Wifi driven traffic.

This will lead to a huge increase in data load on operator’s networks over the next decade. And it won’t end there, as the figures forecast and additional growth of 174% from 2020 through 2025.

This growth will be partially driven by a massive increase in the number of connected devices with the UMTS Forum predicting that their will be over a billion of these devices by 2016. At present most mobile traffic comes from broadband dongles and PC’s connected to mobile networks, but IDATE, the provider of these growth forecasts, predicts that by 2020 Smartphone’s will have over taken dongles as the main source of data traffic.

Additionally, the growth comes from the increasing use of mobile video. In fact, about half of the increase comes from video content.

“Video traffic is the first contributor to mobile data traffic,” said Frédéric Pujol, head of radio technologies and spectrum practice at IDATE. “If video did not exist, the traffic growth figure would be significantly lower, he said: “an order of magnitude of 50% or 60% less.”

The study also predicts that in 2020 Asia will represent the largest region in terms of share of mobile traffic with almost 45 billion gigabyts with Europe and the Americas following.


As mentioned above these figures exclude traffic driven through Wifi devices, which remains an important part of the mobile data world so marketers still need to take this into consideration.

“It is difficult to predict what will happen with WiFi,” Pujol admitted. In the more advanced markets WiFi will represent “30%-40% of the total mobile traffic,” he suggested.

While this growth clearly pose’s a major challenge for operators, it also represents a major opportunity for marketers.

The increasing penetration of ever more powerful smartphones, the increasing data bandwidth available, and the increasing prevalence of mobile video should provide brands an ever increasing level of engagment with their customers.
